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Are you ‘Space Curious?’ This podcast, dedicated to all things outer space, is worth a listen

Episodes available on Spotify, Apple podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play

The Space Curious podcast is now available on all your favorite podcast platforms. (Graham Media Group 2021)

How did the International Space Station get assembled in orbit? What happens to all the space junk? What Earth sounds do you miss while in space?

Space Curious, a podcast by WKMG-TV and Graham Media Group, answers those questions and more.

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Hosted by space reporter Emilee Speck and edited by Graham Media Director of Podcasts Zak Rosen, each episode tackles space-related questions submitted by our audience.

Speck, a Space Coast native, has been covering stories of spaceflight for more than seven years, from planetary science to the recent return of astronaut launches from Florida’s coast.

With some help from experts, including scientists, engineers, fellow space journalists and astronauts, Space Curious brings fascinating topics to your favorite podcast platform. Combining archival sound and new audio, Speck uses storytelling to paint a vivid picture of worlds and places most will never visit.

During the first season of “Space Curious,” guests include astronomers like Kennedy Space Center Director Bob Cabana and former NASA astronaut Terry Virts, along with scientists from leading research institutes and other space journalists.

Coming in Spring 2021, “Space Curious” will dive into a whole new round of space topics, including historic figures in spaceflight, with a fresh group of expert guests.

Want to submit a question for the show?

We’d love if you did.

Scroll down just a bit more for the form, or for a mobile version, click or tap here for a chance to be part of the episode and have your curiosities answered by the experts.

“Space Curious” was created to inspire everyone, from those with a mild interest in space exploration to the space fanatics.

What are listeners saying about the show?

“Space-tastic,” Seashell314 wrote in an Apple Podcast review. “Love this podcast! I find space interesting, but don’t know much about it. Emilee does an awesome job making the topic accessible. Can’t wait to hear more!”

Another subscriber wrote that episode one, about the space station assembly, brought them back to their first in-person launch experience: “(This) brought me back to my first visit to FL in March 2001. My then-boyfriend took me to a church atop a hill in Fruitland Park to see a launch. I was so thrilled, I cried! ... I can’t wait for your next episode! I’m subscribed!”

New episodes will be released every other Wednesday on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Google Play. Stories and extras from the show can be found at

Check out some episodes below:
