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Track Shack Celebration of Running 5K Sweepstakes Official Rules

official rules

Track Shack Celebration of Running 5K (Clickorlando 2024)

Track Shack Celebration of Running 5K Sweepstakes Official Rules


General. Bysubmitting an entry to the Track Shack Celebration of Running 5K sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes”), brought to you by WKMG - News 6 (“Sponsor”)and Track Shack (the”Co-Sponsor”), entrant acknowledges and agrees that entrant has read,understands, and agrees to be bound by these official Sweepstakes rules(“Official Rules”). By entering the Sweepstakes, entrants agree to waive anyright to claim any ambiguity or error in these Official Rules, or the Sweepstakesitself, and agree to be bound by all decisions of the Sponsor, whose decisionsare binding and final in all matters related to the Sweepstakes. Failure tocomply with these Official Rules or any Sponsor instructions relating to the Sweepstakes’Official Rules may result in disqualification from the Sweepstakes.

Eligibility.The Sweepstakes is open only to legal U.S. residents who are a minimum of 18 yearsof age or older at time of entry and reside in Sponsor’s Designated MarketArea, as defined by Nielsen Media Research, Inc. (“DMA”). Employees of Sponsor and Co-Sponsor and each of theirrespective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising agencies, promotionagencies, prize suppliers, and any othervendors providing services in connection with this Sweepstakes andmembers of these employees’ immediate families (spouses, parents, children, grandparents,grandchildren, and siblings and their spouses) and those living in the samehousehold with these employees, are not eligible to enter or win.

How To Enter. TheSweepstakes begins at 8 a.m. on Monday, August 5th and runs through 11:59 p.m. Sunday, August 11th (the “Sweepstakes Period”). Sponsor’s time clock will be the official timeclock of the Sweepstakes. To enter, you must completely and accurately fill outthe Sweepstakes entry form provided on the Sponsor’s Sweepstakes page at (“Entry Form”). Entrantsmust be the natural person assigned to any submitted email account by the providerresponsible for the assigning email addresses for the domain associated withsuch email account. Entrant must also be an authorized account holder for anysubmitted telephone number. Limit One (1) entryper person, per day and per email address and per telephone number during the SweepstakesPeriod. Any attempt by any entrant to obtain more than the stated number ofentries using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations andlogins, or any other methods will void such entries and that entrant may bedisqualified if discovered by Sponsor. Entries generated by ascript, macro or other automated means will be disqualified if discovered bySponsor. The use of automated or third-party software or web site to enterand/or play is prohibited. Entries that are inaccurate, incomplete, illegible,or corrupted are void and will be disqualified if discovered by Sponsor. IfEntry Form permits or requires submission of user-generated content (“UGC”), by entering into the Sweepstakes, entrant representsand warrants as follows: (1) that they created and fully own or have properlylicensed all UGC materials or information, can submit such UGC withoutviolating any applicable law, agreement with any third-party, and/orthird-party right of any kind (including without limitation any intellectualproperty, data protection, privacy, or publicity right); and (2) that all UGC entranthereunder will be true and correct in all respects. UGC may not containpersonally identifiable information or other similar sensitive/confidentialinformation of any third-party or content that is offensive, inappropriate, orinconsistent with the Sponsor/Co-Sponsor’s image or the spirit or purpose ofthe Sweepstakes. By submitting UGC, entrant represents and warrants that allUGC content complies with the User Conduct section of the Sponsor stationwebsites Terms of Use available at UGC may not have beenpreviously published or otherwise made public elsewhere. Furthermore, withoutlimitation on anything set forth herein to the contrary, Sponsor will have theirrevocable, transferable, and fully sublicensable right and license (but notthe obligation) to exploit all such UGC in any manner it so elects to promotethe Sweepstakes, its business, brand, products, and/or services, throughout theworld in perpetuity, and in all media, now or hereafter known. All received entriesbecome the property of the Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returnedexcept as disclosed in these Official Rules.

Selection of Winners. Five (5) potential winners will be selected by WKMG-News 6 via random drawing on Monday, August 12th, from among all eligibleentries received during the Sweepstakes Period.

Odds. The odds ofwinning depend on the number of eligible entries.

Winner Notification and Verification. Potentialwinner(s) will be announced on,subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with these OfficialRules. In addition, Sponsor will attempt to notify the potential winner(s) viathe telephone number or email address provided on the Entry Form(“Notification”). Potential Sweepstakes winner(s) must completely andaccurately execute and return any required affidavit of eligibility, release ofliability, publicity release and/or prize acceptance form (“Forms”) within 72 hours of Notification. Potential winners may be required to display a copy of a validgovernment photo ID in addition to the submission of any Forms. A potentialwinner may be disqualified and, time permitting, an alternate winner may beselected by random drawing from among all remaining entries if: (1) a potentialwinner cannot be contacted/does not respond to Sponsors’ first Notificationattempt as directed; (2) a winner does not fulfill the eligibilityrequirements; (3) a winner does not adhere to the Official Rules; (4) a winnerdoes not sign and return the Forms or provide required ID by the deadline setforth above; and/or (5) if the Notification is returned as undeliverable,refused, or declined. A POTENTIAL PRIZE WINNER IS NOT A WINNER UNTIL HIS OR HERELIGIBILITY AND COMPLIANCE WITH THESE OFFICIAL RULES HAS BEEN VERIFIED BY THE SPONSOR.Sponsor reserves the right to contact all Sweepstakes entrants using thecontact information provided in the Entry Form in connection with the Sweepstakesentry. The official record(s) of entries will remain the property of Sponsor. Ifa printing, programming, or other error leads to more prize claims than thereare prizes provided for in the Official Rules, prize(s) will be awarded in arandom drawing from among all eligible prize claims received at each prizetier.

Prize(s) One complimentary entry to the Track Shack Celebration of Running 5K event. Approximate Retail Value(“ARV”) of prize: $52. Unless otherwise stated, subjectto winner verification and compliance with these Official Rules, all prizes willbe emailed to the winners via the email entered in the entry form. Sponsor and Co-Sponsornot responsible for loss, delay, or damage in shipping. There will be nosubstitution, transfer, or cash equivalent for prizes, except at the solediscretion of Sponsor, which may substitute prizes of comparable value. Limitone prize per person and per household. Payments of all federal, state, andlocal taxes related to the award of the prize are solely the responsibility ofthe winner. Prizes may not be sold, bartered, or auctioned. Prize is awarded”as is” with no warranty or guarantee, either express or implied. All properlyclaimed prizes will be awarded provided a sufficient number of eligible entriesare received, but in no event will Sponsor award more prizes than are providedfor in the Official Rules. Unclaimed prizes will not be awarded. For taxpurposes, the winner of a prize with an ARV of at least $600 will be requiredto accurately complete and submit IRS Form W-9 to the Sponsor and Sponsor willarrange to issue an IRS Form 1099 MISC to winner reflecting the value of theprize.

Disclaimer and Representations. Eachwinner assumes all liability for any injuries or damages caused or claimed tobe caused by winner’s participation in the Sweepstakes and/or the acceptanceand/or use of any prize, and releases the Sponsor and Co-Sponsor and theirrespective parent companies, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and all of their officers,directors, agents, and employees (collectively, “Releasees”), from any suchliability. Releasees are not responsible for: the failure of any entry to bereceived by the Sponsor because of electronic device errors or failures of anykind, internet disruption, telecommunications, network, electronic, telephoneor mobile service outages, delays, busy signals, or any equipment malfunctionsor other technical difficulties that may prevent the Sponsor from receiving anyentry submission; entries that are illegible, unintelligible, incomplete, stolen,misdirected, garbled, delayed by computer transmissions, lost, late or damaged;any injury or damage to the entrant’s or any other person’s electronic device relatedto or resulting from participation or accessing or downloading any materialsrelated to the Sweepstakes; or any human errors, any inaccurate transcriptionof entry information, errors in any promotional or marketing materials orerrors in these Official Rules. If you choose to enter using your mobile phone,standard message and data rates may apply.

Sponsor reserves the right todisqualify any individual from participation in the Sweepstakes if Sponsorconcludes, in its sole discretion, that such person: (a) has attempted totamper with the entry process or other operation of the Sweepstakes; (b) hasfailed to comply with or has attempted to circumvent these Official Rules; (c)has committed fraud or attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of the Sweepstakes;or (d) has acted toward Sponsor, any other entity affiliated with the Sweepstakes,or any other entrant in an unfair, inequitable, threatening, disrupting, orharassing manner. If a dispute arises regarding compliance with these OfficialRules, Sponsor may consider, in its sole discretion, data reasonably availableto Sponsor through information technology systems in Sponsor’s control, butSponsor will not be obligated to consider any data or other informationcollected from any other source. Anyfailure by Sponsor to enforce any of these Official Rules will not constitute awaiver of such Official Rules. If there is a conflict between any term of theseOfficial Rules and any marketing or entry materials used in connection with theSweepstakes, the terms of these Official Rules will govern.

Sponsor also reserves the right, in its solediscretion, to modify these Official Rules for clarification purposes withoutmaterially affecting the terms and conditions of the Sweepstakes. Sponsor reserves the right to cancel,terminate or modify the Sweepstakes if an insufficient number of entries arereceived or if the Sweepstakes is not capable of running as planned, including,without limitation, as a result of infection by computer virus, bugs,tampering, unauthorized intervention, or technical failures of any sort, or forany reason beyond Sponsor’s control. If due to circumstances beyond the controlof the Sponsor, any event related to the Sweepstakes or prize is delayed,rescheduled, postponed, cancelled or has a change of venue, the Sponsorreserves the right, but is not obligated, to cancel or modify the Sweepstakes. Noticeof cancellation or modification of the Sweepstakes will be published onSponsor’s website. If cancellation occurs prior to Sponsor’s receipt of anyentries, Sponsor will not be obligated to award prize(s). If cancellationoccurs after Sponsor’s receipt of entries, winner(s) will be selected by randomdrawing from among all eligible, non-suspect entries received prior tocancellation, provided Sponsor is able to do so.

Sponsor defines “personal information” as anyinformation that identifies you as an individual or is directly linkable to youas an identifiable individual. Entry constitutes (a) permission to share allpersonal information collected in connection with your participation on the Sweepstakeswith business partners, including Co-Sponsors to be used for informationaland/or commercial purposes and (b) permission to Sponsor and Co-Sponsors tocontact you using this personal information for commercial purposes includingadvertising and telemarketing. Sponsor is not responsible for the privacypractices of these entities.

Entry constitutes permission (except where prohibitedby law) to use winner’s name, home city and state, likeness and/or voice for commercialpurposes including advertising, promotion and publicity without additionalcompensation. The winner’s name and city of residence may be posted online and disclosedto those who make a timely request for a winners list.

By accessing these Official Rules or entering the Sweepstakeson you are deemed to agree to be bound by’s Terms of Use andPrivacy Policy.

In Case of Dispute. EXCEPT WHEREPROHIBITED, ENTRANTS AGREE THAT ALL DISPUTES, CLAIMS AND CAUSES OF ACTIONARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED WITH THIS PROMOTION, OR PRIZE AWARDED, WILL BERESOLVED INDIVIDUALLY WITHOUT RESORT TO ANY FORM OF CLASS ACTION, AND ALLCLAIMS, JUDGMENTS, AND AWARDS WILL BE LIMITED TO ACTUAL OUT-OF-POCKET COSTSINCURRED BY ENTRANT WITH REGARD TO THIS PROMOTION, BUT IN NO EVENT SHALLDAMAGES INCLUDE ATTORNEYS’ FEES, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHERDAMAGES. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity,interpretation, and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights andobligations of entrants and Sponsor(s) in connection with the Sweepstakes willbe governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of state where theSponsor is located as set forth below (“State”), without giving effect to anychoice of law or conflict of law rules or provisions that would cause theapplication of the laws of any other jurisdiction. The state and federal courtslocated in the State will be the exclusive forum for any dispute relating tothese Official Rules and/or this Sweepstakes. All entrants and winner(s) agree,by their participation in the Sweepstakes, to submit to the personaljurisdiction of the state and federal courts in the State and waive the rightto sweepstakes jurisdiction.

Severability: If any provision(s) ofthese Official Rules are held to be invalid or unenforceable, all remainingprovisions hereof will remain in full force and effect.

Winner List.For the name(s) of the winner(s), visit

Sponsor/Administrator: WKMG-NEWS 6, 4466 N. John  Young Parkway, Orlando, Florida 32804

Co-Sponsor: Track Shack
