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What a ride! Viral video shows seniors getting a kick out of indoor tubing at this retirement community

Video has gotten likes from people around the world

Stock image. (StoryPoint Senior Living)

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This involved quite a bit of improvisation from workers at a retirement community, and as a result, fun times and a viral video were born.

Back before a snowstorm came on the first day of February, a lack of snow actually ruined the good intentions of workers at StoryPoint Senior Living in Saline, Mich.

Employees wanted to try and take residents outside to embrace the cold and snow, and the day was supposed to include tubing, snowball fights and igloo building, said Irina Olgart, vice president of marketing for the community.

But without much snow at the time, employees decided to bring the fun indoors.

Much to the delight of residents, workers designated some space inside the building for tubing.

Here’s how it worked: Residents sat on a tube that is attached to scooters underneath, and then employees spun each person around using a rope.

The video can be seen below, courtesy of StoryPoint Senior Living.

“We had great feedback from everyone,” Olgart said. “Everyone had so much fun with it. The residents couldn’t believe what we created to bring tubing indoors. A few residents told us this definitely isn’t something they ever thought they would be doing, especially while living in senior living. Whether they were on the tube or watching, everyone kept laughing.”

Olgart said the video has had likes from people all over the world, whether it’s been Germany, Brazil or Hawaii.

“I believe we are making a difference in our field,” Olgart said. ”We are changing the perception of senior housing/living.”
