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Avoid distracted driving (and a ticket) with these smartphone apps

Enforcement of Florida’s texting and driving law begins Jan. 1, 2020

Now that Florida’s law enforcement officers will be ticketing drivers for texting and driving it might be a good time to download a smartphone app so you can put the phone down and focus on the road.

Florida’s new distracted driving law began July 1, but motorists were given a six-month period during which warnings were issued for people spotted texting while driving. On Jan. 1, law enforcement officers will begin issuing tickets if drivers are handling their phones in hands-free zones, including school and construction areas.

There are exceptions to the rule. It’s OK to text if a vehicle is stopped at a red light. And motorists can use a GPS device while driving.

To help you avoid a costly ticket and drive safely we’ve compiled a list of 12 smartphone apps that can help you achieve that goal.

Read on below for information about apps to help you avoid distracted driving.

About the Authors
Donovan Myrie headshot

Donovan is now a reporter at WKMG-TV.
