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What the honk: Trooper Steve shows drivers taking it to next level on Central Florida roads

Viewer discretion is advised.

The images you’re about to see may cause raised eyebrows, slight questioning of human education and a wondering of where some drivers tested for their license.

If you have been following me for any length of time you know I like some good residential landscaping.

You will also know that I do not drive an SUV or a truck so getting supplies from the store to my home can be difficult. I said all that to say this, the following image is NOT me or my vehicle.

The community of the Villages has been off my radar for a long time and that’s a good thing.

If I’m talking about you during this segment, well, it’s not to congratulate you. This is a WHAT THE HONK moment on a level I haven’t seen in a long time.

How is this a good idea?

I feel this Nissan Altima needs a “wide load” sticker on the rear bumper. The plate is not visible, branches sticking way out to the side and I’d be willing to bet they would be very confused as to why they are getting pulled over.

It is never recommended to air your dirty laundry out in public, but this driver gives no HONKS.

This driver has face masks for your friends and mine. You can see the masks hanging over each seat in this Tesla in Seminole County. The driver even had what appears to be safety goggles on, but no mask.

Not sure what’s going on here but I guess if none of the masks are obstructing your vision while driving then I guess you’re good to go. The goggles on the other hand I’m still confused about.

You know the expression “it takes teamwork to make the dream work?”

Well, here you have the exact opposite.

I know we live in a free country and you can “do what you want” but this phone stuff is getting out of hand. Like this isn’t simply walking across the street to check your mail, this is State Road 436 and Howell Branch Roa IN case you didn’t know this area has eight lanes of traffic.

If we are not allowed to text and drive, I feel we should not be able to text and walk, at least when crossing the street.

The pedestrian in this photo started out texting, then took a phone call. I guess when she saw she had 15 seconds left to cross, she figured why not.

I want to share the things you’re seeing. Keep your passenger pictures or dash camera videos coming and send them to me over at or you can email them to me at

About the Author
Steve Montiero headshot

Steven Montiero, better known as “Trooper Steve," joined the News 6 morning team as its Traffic Safety Expert in October 2017. A Central Florida native and decorated combat veteran, Montiero comes to the station following an eight-year assignment with the Florida Highway Patrol.
