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Marion County Schools release video to address etiquette for virtual learning

District put together a ‘Netiquette’ video

MARION COUNTY, Fla. – Marion County school officials addressed virtual etiquette through an online video.

On Monday, the district released a video directed at Marion County families and guardians about correct online behavior plus disruptions they have been combating this school year.

Kevin Christian with Marion County Public Schools said it took roughly 10 days to put together a “Netiquette” video to serve as a model of appropriate online behavior.

“The code of conduct applies to any kind of school experience, it doesn’t matter if you are in the physical classroom, on the school bus, on the football field or in an online classroom,” Christian said.

Christian said the video was developed after teachers district-wide raised concerns about distractions they were competing with during virtual classroom instruction.

“Teachers have had to deal with things like obscene music with vulgar language playing in the background,” Christian said.

He said some teachers shared instances that went beyond mute and unmute disruptions.

“We’ve had some parents in various stages of undress appear in videos with their children,” Christian said.

Seven teachers participated in the roughly four-minute video highlighting steps parents can help students with. 7th-grade teacher Grace Daley appeared in the video and stressed the importance.

“Pretend as though your child is actually in a physical classroom, ‘would you lean in and start talking to them? or giving them answers’,” Daley said.

The district hopes parents comply with the suggested guidance. Christian said teachers recognize that some of the disturbances are not intentional, but said those that are intentionally disrupting a class may face consequences.
