Former Central Florida food bank CEO discusses mission to end hunger

Former Second Harvest CEO Dave Krepcho joins Breakfast with Bridgett

ORLANDO, Fla. – According to Second Harvest Food Bank, one in eight people are facing food insecurity.

Post-pandemic demand for food assistance there has nearly doubled to 300,000 meals distributed per day.

Former Second Harvest CEO Dave Krepcho talked about his new passion project on Breakfast with Bridgett.

“Empty Plates: The Evolution of Hunger Relief Until All Are Fed” chronicles the history of hunger relief and the way forward to finding a solution.

“I do have a lot of stories in the book. I interviewed just over a hundred people across the U.S. and different perspectives, but one of them was just the stereotypes that are held with people, our neighbors in need, and that’s a really important chapter. And who are these folks and why are they in this situation? And how hard they’re trying to get out of that situation, so really trying to put a face on our neighbors in need because the need has not gone away,” Krepcho said.

A portion of the proceeds from the book benefits Second Harvest.

Krepcho is having a book signing at Second Harvest on Aug. 8 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

For more about the history of hunger relief and how you can help, watch the full interview at the top of this story.

For more about the book, click here.

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