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Orange County Library System to remove fines as part of 100-year celebration

Courtesy photo. (Orange County Library System)

If you are someone who has been fretting over an overdue book at the library, take comfort.

As part of its countdown to its 100-year celebration in November, the Orange County Library System has removed fines from overdue books and other materials, effective Oct. 16, 2022.

“We wanted to reduce barriers to library services and promote equal access to information for all residents,” said Kris Woodson, assistant manager for the Orange County Library System.

Since making this change, more than 32,000 accounts that otherwise would not have had access to library resources, now have the ability to check out materials, attend classes and events, use computers and much more.

Woodson said it also doesn’t matter how overdue an item is.

“If an item is three days, three months or 30 years overdue, once returned, the customer will not be charged an overdue fine,” Woodson said.

All will experience a savings.

To learn more about this change and how you can begin using library services again, click here.

Be sure to visit Orange County Library System’s website here throughout the year to find out about all that’s in store as the library turns 100.

Get your free library card to participate in these events and to take advantage of the many other resources offered by Orange County Library System by signing up online or visiting any branch location.
