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If you find yourself in need, this free statewide program will connect you to social services, government assistance

Right Service at the Right Time -- a grant-funded program – accessible to all Florida residents

Florida residents look over Right Service at the Right Time documents. (Orange County Library System)

If there has ever been a time when the population could kind of collectively understand what it means to struggle in some way, it has been the last few years. So many people have found themselves on shaky ground. Even for those who didn’t experience it personally, chances are high they knew someone who did.

Regardless of the reason, when someone meets a time of need or hardship, it’s difficult to know where to turn for help.

Here’s the good news, though: Every single resident of Florida has access to the Right Service at the Right Time, a project that connects residents in need of social services or government assistance with organizations that provide those services.

The project is a Library Services and Technical Act (LSTA) grant-funded program that’s owned by the State Library and Archives of Florida and is hosted by Orange County Library System.

“The project connects customers with organizations that are able to assist them with their needs, eliminating the barrier of disclosing personal information to a social worker or librarian,” said Josh Fox, an Orange County Library System librarian.

The program is a statewide one-stop shop that assists residents every day in finding services that help with family issues, finances, health care, housing, immigration, jobs, transportation and accessing essential daily needs like food and clothing, to name a handful.

Plus, officials are always looking to update the website with any new resources that can help Florida residents.

“The talented staff working on the website review all the organizations offering services and add new ones on a regular basis, ensuring that the most current information is available to the public,” Fox said.

The importance of accessing Right Service at the Right Time

Right Service at the Right time – currently in its 15th year of existence – has grown from a single-county project to encompass services for the entire state of Florida.

“Right Service at the Right Time removes a barrier for those who are seeking assistance in their daily lives,” Fox said.

In fact, the site is designed specifically to ensure that the search for assistance is easy for anyone who might have poor computer skills.

The need that’s being met is clear, as it is benefitting people all the time within the community. Think about someone who might be homeless, having a hard time putting food on the table, struggling to make ends meet, is unemployed or even underemployed. There is no need too big or small that this project isn’t aiming to address.

“Library users access the site monthly to renew their food stamps, search for housing options, claim their benefits (and more),” Fox said. “The website is available on any device that can connect to a web browser. For those who may not have a browser-equipped cellphone or tablet, Orange County Library System has designated computers at most branches.”

[RELATED: Search Orange County Library System branches]

Fox added that the computers are not tied into the regular PC reservation system and can be used to look for assistance without a library card.

How it works

The goal for the state and the library community is that Right Service at the Right Time is easy to access.

When someone visits the website, all they must do is select the county where they are looking for services.

“Once a county is chosen, the user is taken to what we call a user story – also known as the ‘I need help with’ page -- which is a listing of assistance categories, several of which have sub-categories,” Fox said.

A directory of organizations that provide programs for assistance will be available, along with a brief overview of what each of those services provide and any application the user would need to fill out to get started.

“The patron would then work with someone on-site at the organization,” Fox said.

Officials with the state and Orange County Library System understand the need within the community and work consistently to ensure Right Service at the Right Time is available to all Florida residents within 67 counties.

“We are currently working on our application to receive our 16th year of grant funding from the Library Services and Technical Act (LSTA), offered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services,” Fox said.

If you would like to learn more about Right Service at the Right Time, or to find services that might be able to help you or a loved one, click or tap here.

Disclaimer: This project was funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida’s LSTA program is administered by the Department of State’s Division of Library and Information Services.

To become a cardholder and see what events are happening at a branch near you, visit the Orange County Library System website. You can also call 407-835-7323 or stop by any location.