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Ask Trooper Steve: What is the difference between careless driving and reckless driving?

Trooper Steve answers viewer questions

News 6 traffic safety expert Trooper Steve Montiero answers viewer questions and shares tips about the rules of the road, helping Orlando-area residents become better drivers by being better educated.

One viewer asked Trooper Steve what the difference was between careless and reckless driving.

First let me go ahead and point out the obvious. When receiving a violation of careless driving the biggest thing you’re going to get out of it is a basic level traffic ticket.

Charges of reckless driving come with a summons to court and depending on the situation you could be physically arrested for it.

Careless driving covers things that basically traffic laws may not go into. A lot of simple traffic collisions result in charges like careless driving.

Reckless driving is more involved. There is an intentional disregard for the safety of others on the road and multiple violations are occurring. Below are the specific wording of the Florida law.

Need more information on careless driving? Click or tap here.

If you’re curious about what Florida considers reckless driving, click or tap here.

If you have a question for Trooper Steve, submit it here.

About the Author
Steve Montiero headshot

Steven Montiero, better known as “Trooper Steve," joined the News 6 morning team as its Traffic Safety Expert in October 2017. A Central Florida native and decorated combat veteran, Montiero comes to the station following an eight-year assignment with the Florida Highway Patrol.
