20-year-old Florida man sentenced to 68 years in prison for possessing child sex videos, photos

Anthony Lee Rowell arrested in 2023 after deputies receive tip

Anthony Lee Rowell, 19 (Volusia County Sheriff's Office)

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – A 20-year-old Volusia County man was sentenced Friday morning to 68 years in state prison for possession of a sexual performance of a child, according to officials.

Anthony Lee Rowell was also sentenced to lifetime sex offender probation and lifetime sex offender designation, the Volusia Sheriff’s Office said.

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The state attorney’s office said Rowell entered an open plea to the court in July, leading to his sentencing.

In October 2023, VSO detectives acting on a tip executed a search warrant and charged Rowell with 30 counts of possession of a sexual performance of a child after explicit videos and photos were found on his cellphone.

The sheriff’s office said last year that it suspected Rowell of molesting children, urging anyone who has had contact with him over the last five years to contact the VSO Child Exploitation Unit at 386-323-3574.

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