DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – A 71-year-old New York woman is recovering after she was struck and her head was run over by a pickup truck while sunbathing on Daytona Beach, deputies said.
The incident happened around 2:45 p.m. Wednesday near the Silver Beach Avenue beach ramp.
The Volusia Sheriff’s Office said the victim was in stable condition after suffering non-life-threatening injuries.
According to deputies, the New York woman was sitting in a beach chair behind a vehicle when a Chevrolet Colorado parked next to her pulled out of its parking spot.
The driver, an 84-year-old DeLeon Springs woman, made an immediate right turn toward the beach exit and struck her with the truck’s right rear tire, which then ran over her head, officials said.
“I never seen her sitting there,” the driver could be heard saying on bodycam video from a responding deputy.
The victim was taken to Halifax Health Medical Center with head injuries, deputies said.
The driver remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators, officials said. The driver did not display any signs of impairment, according to deputies.
The driver said she was not aware she struck anyone until she was chased down by a witness, officials said.
No other details have been released.