NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. – As spring break kicks off for many school districts, New Smyrna Beach and Volusia County law enforcement are preparing for the annual influx of visitors.
Police are already in full force to manage the crowds that gather at the beaches each year.
“Please make sure that your kids are supervised and make sure they behave themselves because ultimately we have zero tolerance,” said Sgt. William Helms, with a message directed at parents allowing their children to visit New Smyrna Beach during spring break.
Several teenagers have already faced trouble, primarily for alcohol-related offenses and underage drinking on the beach on the first day of break.
“Underage drinking, there are some fights that break out every now and then, the underage drinking can bring narcotics and guns sometimes,” said Helms.
On Senior Skip Day Thursday, several teens were arrested for alcohol-related offenses. Last month, two teens faced arrest due to gun incidents on President’s Day. During last year’s spring break, 52 people were arrested, and 200 citations were issued.
The zero-tolerance enforcement style was influenced by 2022’s spring break, which saw an 89% increase in juvenile arrests for destructive behavior on Flagler Avenue. As a result, a curfew is now enforced, with officers stationed throughout the area.
“It starts with the little things. It’s any and all traffic violations, noise ordinance violations, there’s zero tolerance so that the people who are just here to have a good time and enjoy a family-friendly atmosphere get that,” said Police Chief Chris Kirk.
Officers are already issuing citations for seat belt violations before teens even reach the beach.
“We have plain clothes officers as well as other technology to keep an eye on things,” Kirk added. “There’s nowhere here out of view so if you’re underage drinking, bringing drugs or weapons to the beach, we’re definitely going to find it and enforce it.”