ORLANDO, Fla. – November is off to a hot start, This week we have already hit 90 for a daytime high. That high on Wednesday was nine degrees above normal for this time of year.
This October, Orlando was warmer than normal and drier than normal. The average temperature of 75.7°F was 0.2° above normal, and the 2.14 inches of precipitation was 62% of the normal amount (data are from SC-ACIS and normal is defined relative to the 1991-2020 NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information) climate normal).
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Octobers in Orlando are getting hotter, leading to a change of 1.5°F since 1970.
I know you have heard me say this before, but with the week we are having temperature wise, it bears repeating: This is all part of a new normal. The only way to prevent it from getting worse is to adjust, cut emissions, convert to cleaner energy and develop carbon capture ability.
This graphic shows the USA and the warming path we are on vs. The warming if we make the changes.
This graph shows the rise in temperature for Orlando, that “new normal” we are living in the future if we do not do the work.
Here is to a cooler rest of November.