North Florida is experiencing snow and some of us down south would love to live vicariously through you!
In Pensacola, some beagles got to experience their first snowfall. The video above comes from Jennifer Johnston and Kaylin Strong.
So if your pets or kids are experiencing snow for the first time, whether you live in North Florida or drove up there to play, we want you to PinIt!
Log into or download the News 6 app and upload your photos and videos through our PinIt! feature. Don’t forget to tell us where you’re encountering snow.
Get details on how PinIt! works here.
Here are a few pins we’ve gotten already.
Trooper Steve
Friend of mine puppy sees snow for the first time in Pensacola
Ready for the cold weather! Blaze and Kyera
Darci Wingate
Darci and Willie - Callahan FL
Jumping on a trampoline covered in snow/ice